
Welcome to this month’s author, the lovely Grace Hudson

Harvey Jones
Hi Grace, please tell us a bit about yourself.

Grace Hudson
Hi and thanks for the interview! I live in bayside Melbourne, near the ocean and close to the city. I enjoy watching horror movies, I love classic cars, and I drink a lot of coffee.

Harvey Jones
Having read a few of your books I’d like to know how you came to write the series FERTS – which is marvellous by the way!

Grace Hudson
Thank you! I can’t recall if the acronym or full name (Fertility Emigration Resource and Training Supply) came first, but I remember it had a sense of foreboding about it and the story just grew from there. I looked at the title and it felt creepy, like that feeling you get when you see a shadow in the mirror or hear a strange noise at night. I grew up with horror movies and books so I knew after the first few lines that this story was going to be pretty dark. I also knew when I wrote FERTS that it was book one, but I wrote it as a standalone. When people kept messaging me about doing a sequel, I trusted in the characters and just went for it. All the books in the series are standalones but I’d still read them in order.
Harvey Jones
Do you have a preference for what you write, are you versatile in your writing?

Grace Hudson
I have written various articles, short stories, novels and flash fiction. My preference is novels – I enjoy having a bit of time to tell the story.

Harvey Jones
What book made the most impact on you when reading and do you have a favourite author?

Grace Hudson
I read IT by Stephen King when I was 13 or 14. It scarred me for life, but in a good way. I love Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Sylvia Plath and Shakespeare. Funny combination, I know. I enjoy horror that actually scares me. If I get chills or can’t sleep because of a book, I am officially a fan.

Harvey Jones
Self publishing is quite a minefield, what do you love and hate about the whole process?
Grace Hudson
I love everything about it. I am a megalomaniac so I like to control everything. But I’m a good megalomaniac. Really.

Harvey Jones
What are you working on now – can we have a sneak peek?

Grace Hudson
Haha! No. I never show anything until it’s done but I can tell you it’s a horror (yay!), it’s set in Lorne, Australia and it’s horrific in some parts and funny in others.

Harvey Jones
Can we have your links to your author page twitter etc

Grace Harvey

Harvey Jones
What advice would you give a new author trying to publish?

Grace Hudson
I’d say read a lot of books and do a lot of research. Then write, write some more and publish. Then write some more and publish some more. Listen to feedback. Write more. Get better. Repeat.

Harvey Jones
Finally, where does your inspiration for your stories come from and which one of your books is your favourite?

Grace Hudson
I can’t pick one out of the books that I’ve done so far. I suppose my favourite is the one I’m working on, whatever that may be! As for inspiration, I like to observe humans. I love details, nuances in speech, body language, that sort of thing. The way people interact is the greatest inspiration for me.

Harvey Jones
Well thank you Grace for the insight into your world, we wish you much success for the future.

Grace Hudson
Thank you so much!



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